Asthma Health Check

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that left untreated or not properly managed can be debilitating. It is important to control asthma very well, so close attention to technique of use of inhalers and the appropriate use of the range of treatments is vital.

You can achieve an improved quality of life by providing you with clear guidance and education on up-to-date information about medicines and how to use them correctly.  A trained Asthma nurse is available to assist your doctor with education and monitoring.

With an Asthma care plan, you can have lung function tests, develop Asthma action plans to support your symptom management at home, and referrals when required.

Ask for a booking for your Asthma Check-Up.

For more information from Asthma WA, please go to:

Need to talk to someone about Asthma Health Check?

Make a Booking online or call us on (08) 9387 2000


Your friendly GP's at Grantham House