Iron Infusions

Each doctor at Grantham House can provide onsite iron infusions.  Ferrinject is a convenient new iron preparation which can be infused in less than half an hour.

Iron is essential for the body to make haemoglobin (Hb), a pigment that makes red blood cells red and carries oxygen from the lungs to the body organs and working muscles. When the amount of iron in the body gets too low, the haemoglobin level can fall below normal. This is known as ‘iron deficiency anaemia’. If your haemoglobin or iron levels are low, you can feel fatigued and less able to carry out your normal activities.

The most common way to treat iron deficiency and the resulting anaemia is to take iron by mouth as a tablet or liquid. Some people have side effects with oral iron preparations and need to have an alternative such as injectable iron.

An iron infusion might be needed if you are:

  • Unable to tolerate oral iron preparations
  • Unable to absorb iron through the gut
  • Unable to absorb enough iron to compensate for the amount of blood that the body is losing,
  • In need of a rapid increase in iron levels to avoid complications or a blood transfusion (eg. before major surgery)

Please call 9387 2000 to book an appointment with your doctor.

Need to talk to someone about Iron Infusions?

Make a Booking online or call us on (08) 9387 2000


Your friendly GP's at Grantham House